Sustainable commodities trading experts, prioritizing ethical sourcing & sustainable practices

Collaborate with us for a more resilient future

Get to know us

Welcome to Old Guild, your trusted partner in the world of sustainable commodities trading. We are a dynamic and forward-thinking company specializing in the trading of agricultural products and base metals, with a strong commitment to sustainability.

Our team of seasoned experts brings a wealth of experience and deep industry knowledge to the table, allowing us to navigate the complexities of the commodities market with precision and agility, all while prioritizing sustainability. We understand that responsible resource management is essential for the well-being of our planet and future generations.

We are committed to working closely with our partners to promote sustainable farming practices, ethical mining, and responsible sourcing of raw materials. By doing so, we aim to minimize environmental impact, support local communities, and contribute to a more sustainable and resilient global supply chain.

Thank you for considering Old Guild, as your partner in sustainable commodities trading. We look forward to serving your needs, upholding sustainability, and contributing to a better future. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any inquiries or opportunities for collaboration.

Products and
Services Offering

Shipment size
Voyage days
Load Port
Inco Terms
Payment terms
Port Handling

Driven by Sustainability


Responsible trading practices have a far-reaching positive impact on the lives of people by promoting economic development, protecting the environment, ensuring ethical treatment of workers, and contributing to a more equitable and sustainable world.


Responsible sourcing practices help reducing waste, eliminating overexploitation of resources, protect the environment and contributing to a more equitable and sustainable world.


The adoption of sustainable practices in commodities trading positively impacts our planet in several significant ways, contributing to environmental preservation, resource conservation, and a more sustainable future

ESG Goals

It's essential to align these goals with your company's specific circumstances, industry best practices, and global sustainability frameworks such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.

10 Year targets

In the coming decade, the company is committed to achieving specific ESG goals. On the environmental front, these include carbon neutrality, resource efficiency, renewable energy transition, biodiversity conservation, and significant emissions reduction.

Why partner with Us

  • High-Quality Products
  • Ethical Sourcing
  • Reduced Risk
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Reliable Supply Chain
  • High-Quality Products
  • Ethical Sourcing
  • Reduced Risk
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Reliable Supply Chain